Past Grant Recipients
Awarded 2023-2024
​Bonneville Dam/Gorge Interpretive Center Trip - Kristi Vandooren, May Street Elementary (Hood River CSD)
2023-24 VEX Robotics Program - Chuck Webber, The Dalles High School (North Wasco CSD)
STEM Mobile Classroom - Sally Anderson, Hood River County School District
Mystery Science Extensions, Food Chain Research Project & Oregon State Park Field Trip - Wesley Mitchell, Dry Hollow Elementary (North Wasco CSD)
Snow School 2024 - Brian Anglin, Wheeler High School (Fossil SD)
Robotic Arm - Ryan Bahn, Hood River Valley High School (Hood River CSD)
Tadpole Habitat & Growth - Claire Gilchrist, Hood River New School
Cubelets Sets for Library Circulation - Annelisa Gebhard, Hood River County Library District
Building STEM Competence at CES: Empowering Through Exploration - Ajay Rundell, Chenowith Elementary School (North Wasco CSD)
STEM-SEL - Jeremiah Paulsen, Colonel Wright Elementary School (North Wasco CSD)
Digital Story Telling - Peter Lawson, Hood River Valley High School (Hood River CSD)
Gorge Ecology Outdoors Showshoe Field Trip - Janell Geary, Colonel Wright Elementary School (North Wasco CSD)
Lend Me a (Robotic) Hand - Sonia Schatz, Colonel Wright Elementary School (North Wasco CSD)
Taking it to the Extreme - Destin Ramsey, Colonel Wright Elementary School (North Wasco CSD)
Mosier SECRETS Field Trip - Sarah Grace Bendinger & Ann Marie Wagar, Mosier Community School (North Wasco CSD)
Race Car Track Building - Dyani Moore, Mid-Valley Elementary School (Hood River CSD)
STEM Stations - Ashley Macnab, Sherman County School (Sherman County SD)
Math Manipulatives for Everyday Learning - Amy Huffman, Dufur School (Dufur SD)
Circuit Exploration - Lisa Albrecht, Colonel Wright Elementary School (North Wasco CSD)
Awarded 2022-2023
5th Grade Rockets & Field Trip to the Goldendale Observatory State Park-Wesley Mitchell, Dry Hollow Elementary
Basic Science Skills - Monica LaDouceur, The Dalles Middle School
Create-Build-Think - Ambrielle Feil, Chenowith Elementary School
Enrichment - Trista Williams, Fossil Elementary School
Garden Pollinator Habitat Space - CES Garden & Beautification Committee (Jenni Bergemann), Chenowith Elementary School
Hands on STEAM Museum at Dufur School - Kristin Whitley, Dufur School District
Hydroponics for High School - Daniel Campagna - The Dalles High School
Microgrant for CGCC - Julie Burton, Columbia Gorge Community College
Multi-Disciplinary Field Trips - Spring 2023 - Camden Jones, Condon School District
Perennial Food Forest - Michael Becker, Hood River Valley High School
Robot Coding - Brian Schimel, Condon School District
Spring Claymation Camp - Marilee Anderson, Gilliam County 4H: Condon and Arlington School Districts
Squid & Owl Pellet Dissection - Kay Anderson, Mosier Community School
STEM Enriched Pre-K - Janet DeAnn Baker, Mosier Community School
Virtual Reality Education - Jorma Henson, South Wasco High School
7th-8th HROA STEAM Lending Library - Lisa Albrecht, Hood River Options Academy
Design and Build Engineering - Kristen Slatt, Sunshine PreK, North Wasco County School District
Heart Math for Teen Resiliency - Emily Martin, Hood River Valley High School
Owl Pellet Dissection - George Braun, The Dalles Middle School
VEX IQ Robotics - Patrick Getchis, Wy’East Middle School
Awarded 2021-2022
Hands-on Ecology Lessons for 5th Graders at Dry Hollow – Wesley Mitchell, Dry Hollow Elementary
STEM Bins Home Connection–Tess Welk, Dufur Elementary
Fossil Junior High Snow School–Brian Anglin, Wheeler High School
Robotics Across the District: Ozobot Fun–Sally Anderson, Hood River School District
Middle School Robotics at Dufur–Jody Weaver, Dufur School District
Pneumatics for Engineering–John Trimble, Hood River Valley High School
Chromosome Student Modeling Packs–Kathryn Davis, Hood River Valley High School
Let’s Build: Makerspace Center–Jessica Dye, Chenowith Elementary
STEM Maker Station–Ashley Macnab,Liz Cranston & Amy Huffman, Sherman County School District
Take Home STEM Night– Kim Yasui, Mid Valley Elementary
Inclusive Scientific Library–Sara Crompton, Parkdale Elementary
Creation Station–Annika Dobo, Dry Hollow Elementary
K-5 Makerspace–Tess Welk & Leona Egeland–Dufur Elementary
K-3 STEAM Classroom Kits–Kerri Convery, Hood River Options Academy
4th-6th HROA STEAM Lending Library–Lisa Albrecht, Hood River Options Academy
STEAM Through Reading–Hailey Elliott, Dry Hollow Elementary
Robotics Rebirth–Alan Cunningham, HonkerTech at Arlington High School
Ozobots for All Kids–Tia Wells, Mid Valley Elementary School
Hands-on Learning with a Van De Graaff Generator–Jamie Carr, Wy’East Middle School
K-1 Math Response Paddle Boards–Ami Felt, Chenowith Elementary
VEX Robotics State Championship–Lu Seapy, Wasco County 4-H
COVID Diagnostics via Genetic Testing–David Clarkson, Hood River Valley High School
Awarded 2020-2021
Native Plant Garden for Bees & Butterflies - Robin Cael, Trout Lake School
Hydrogen-Powered (Fuel Cell) Car At-Home - Emily Martin, Hood River Valley High School
Capstone Project for 5th Grade Astronomy - Wesley Mitchell, Dry Hollow Elementary
Biotechnology in the Classroom - Emilie Miller, Columbia Gorge Community College
Science Modeling - Kathryn Davis, Hood River Valley High School
Growing Minds through Genius Hour - Annika Dobo, Dry Hollow Elementary
STEM Enhancement LEGO - Emily Findeisen, Parkdale Elementary
IT Infrastructure - Jeffrey Hawkins, Pacific Crest Innovation Academy
Outdoor Science Classrooms - Lu Seapy, Wasco County 4-H
Library Grab-n-Go STEM - Jennie Glaspy, The Dalles Wasco County Library
Authentic STEM Activities for English Learners during Distant/Hybrid Learning - Susan McCourt, Chenowith Elementary
Chemistry labs for mass, density, isotope ratios - Kevin Haspela, Hood River Valley High School
Community Works Camera - Peter Lawson, Hood River Valley High School Community Works Program
Digital Cameras for Microscopes - Robin Haight, The Dalles Middle School
Soil and Water Science - David Scharfenberg, Hood River Middle School
We are Here to BUILD - Tess Welk, Dry Hollow Elementary
Lego Robotics & Coding - Teren Humphrey, Condon School
Arduinos for Electrical Engineering - John Trimble, Hood River Valley High School
Monthly STEM Bins - Shannon Monroe, Parkdale Elementary
Crazy Circuits Makerspace Set - Tom Dalbey, May Street Elementary
Solar/PV Kits for Energy Resources - Emily Martin, Hood River Valley High School
Greenhouse Grow Lighting - James Latshaw, Mitchell School
Telepresence Tech to Close the Technology Equity Gap - Laurie Stanton, Dry Hollow Elementary
Awarded 2019-2020
3D Printer for 4th Grade - Tom Dalbey & Kate Getchis, May Street Elementary
OSMO for Dry Hollow - Tess Welk, Dry Hollow Elementary
Little Engineers Club - Kate Cannon, Mosier Community School
LegoWeDo Kits - Gus Hedberg, Parkdale Elementary
Vernier Lab Equipment - Kelly Cunningham, Klickitat School District
Ozobot Evos - Pam Turley & Debi Gallagher, Westside Elementary & May Street Elementary
CNC Vinyl Cutter - Del Medenbach, Lyle School District
Drone Engineering Physics Unit - David Sharfenberg & Patrick Getchis, Hood River Middle School & Wy'east Middle School
Luminary Supplies - Erika Doring, Mill A School District
Science Tools for Early Learning - Margaret Takagi, Condon Childcare
Surgical Robot Project - Jenny Collins, Dufur School
3D Printer for Sherman County - Tyler Dearborn, Sherman County School
Awarded Spring 2019
School Library STEM Kits - Corinne Dichter, Wy'east Middle School
Girls Who Code Club - Sally Anderson, Westside Elementary
Awarded Winter 2018-2019
Edison Robots for Exploring Computer Science – Amy Foley, Hood River Valley High School
Vernier, Introducing Modern Science Data Collection Techniques and Instruments in Science Labs – Andrew Nelson, Wy’east Middle School
iPads & Seesaw for Kindergarten – Courtney Middleton, Colonel Wright Elementary
Scholarships for Advanced Math Class – Eric Cohn, Hood River Community Education
Greenhouse – Kevin Hunking, Arlington School District
Place Based Professional Development for Teachers – Kieran Connolly, Mosier Community School
Light-Up Marker Board for Special Education – Meranda Toole, Chenowith Elementary School
STEM Maker Station in the Classroom – Mikka Irusta, Mid Valley Elementary School
Music, Vibes, & Strings Collaborative Lesson – David Scharfenberg, Hood River Middle School & Patrick Getchis, Wy’east Middle School
Eagle Park, an Outdoor Space for Science Activities – Mike Mahoney, Fossil Elementary School
Boyde Cave & Smith Rock Field Trip – Brian Anglin, Wheeler High School
Outdoor Skills Trip – Brian Anglin, Wheeler High School
OMSI Trip – Jessica Dye, Chenowith Elementary School
Awarded Spring 2018
Grow Light - Megan Ferrell, Westside Elementary
South Wasco STEAM - A. Anderson, South Wasco County School
Makey Makeys - Rebekah Rottenberg, Hood River Middle School
Bloxels - Matthew Gerlick, Hood River County School District
Discovery Center Field Trip - Brittney Bauer, Westside Elementary
Awarded Winter 2017-2018
Flipped Elementary Classroom - Nancy Malitz, Mosier Community School
Physics of Sound Field Trip - Ramona Hartwood, Colonel Wright Elementary School
Protobot Mini Robot Lesson Development - Lu Seapy, Wasco County 4-H
STEAM Maker in Residence - Dylan McManus, The Dalles-Wasco County Library
SECRETS Outdoor Education - Steve Chance, Colonel Wright Elementary School
Connecting the Classroom to the Environment: Columbia Gorge Field Biology - Sarah Lyon, Hood River Alternative High School
Women in STEM Lunch Club - Amy Foley, Hood River Valley High School
OMSI School Science Field Trip - Leanne Haifley, Cascade Locks Elementary