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Lending Library

Who can check out Lending Library items?

The items pictured below are available to any educator in our 5 Oregon counties (Gilliam, Hood River, Sherman, Wasco, and Wheeler) as well as educators in Klicktat & Skamania counties in Washington.  Items are available for use at no-charge to educators and include delivery to/from your school.

Lending Library Process

To request an item from our Lending Library, please complete our Lending Library Request Form. As part of this process, you will also be asked to request a 2-month period of time you would like to reserve our STEM materials using our Reservation Window Viewing Form. Prior to completing the Request Form, please review the Viewing Form to ensure the items you are hoping to borrow haven't already been checked out by another educator.

For each Lending Window time-frame, our Staff provides delivery & pick-up of your requested items to/from your school.  

Incorporating Lending Library items in your classroom

Get inspired! Check out some lesson plan ideas that utilize these items.

View our Lending library policies here.

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Squishy Circuits

Squishy Circuits use conductive and insulating play dough to teach the basics of electrical circuits

10 Kits

Theme: Engineering/Electronics

Age Focus: PreK/Elementary

Lego BriQ Essentials

Classroom Set - 15 Kits & Lesson Plans

Theme: Engineering/Physics

Age Focus: Elementary+

Lego Spike Prime Robotics

Class Set - 15 Robotics Kits & Lesson Plans

Theme: Robotics/Coding

Age Focus: 3rd-6th Grade

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Dinosaur Maze Puzzle

5 Puzzle Sets 

Theme: Problem Solving

Age Focus: PreK-Elementary

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Edison Robots

27 Robots & Loose Lego components

Theme: Coding/Technology

Age Focus: Elementary+

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Wooden Stacking Rocks

Classroom Set - variety of stacking rocks

Theme: Engineering/Physics

Age Focus: PreK-Elementary

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Table Top Sensory Table, Tools & Beans

Sensory Table, Tools & Beans

Age Focus: PreK+

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K'Nex Exploring Machines

Class Set with Lesson Plans/Instructions

Theme: Engineering/Physics

Age Focus: Elementary+


300  + 4 cars

Theme: Geometry/Engineering

Age Focus: PreK-Elementary

3D Doodlers

15 hand-held rechargable 3 D printers, including lesson plan ideas with content area connections

Age Focus: Elementary

K'nex Building Structures

3 sets with extra pieces

Theme: Engineering/Physics

Age Focus: Ages 8+


Large bin, for 6-12 children

Theme: Engineering

Age Focus: PreK

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Snap Circuits Jr

15 student class set

Theme: Engineering/Electronics

Age Focus: Elementary+

Lego Spike Essentials

15 Kits & Lesson Plans

Theme: Robotics/Coding

Age Focus: 1st-5th Grade

Science of Energy Kit & Guide

This unit provides background information and hands-on experiments to explore the different forms of energy and how energy is transformed from one form to another. Teaching Guides available for Elementary, Middle School & High School. Learn more at:

Theme: Physical Science

Age Focus: Grades 3-12

Mental Blox Puzzle Game

Classroom Set - Puzzle Cards & Pieces

Theme: Engineering/Problem Solving

Age Focus: PreK-Elementary+

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Resin Creatures 

6 Magnifying Glasses & Variety of Creatures

Theme: Biology/Observation

Age Focus: PreK-Elementary

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6ft x 3ft Tables

15 Tables - for STEM Events 

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Flower Garden Stacking Toys

Classroom Set - variety of garden elements

Theme: Engineering

Age Focus: PreK-Elementary


30 Makey-Makey Sets & Teacher's Guide

Theme: Coding/Technology

Age Focus: Elementary+

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Magnatiles - Animal Set

300+ Magnatiles with Magnetic Animals 

Theme: Geometry/Engineering

Age Focus: PreK-Elementary


Clasroom Set - Variety

Theme: Engineering/Physics

Age Focus: PreK-1st Grade


3 Sets & Lesson Plans

Theme: Coding

Age Focus: PreK-Elementary

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Magnetic Manipulatives

8 Sets + 12 Activities

Theme: Physics

Age Focus: PreK-Elementary

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K'Nex Renewable Energy

24-32 student class set

Theme: Engineering/Environmental

Age Focus: Upper Elementary

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Ozobot Evo

18 sets + activities

Theme: Technology/Robotics

Age Focus: Elementary+

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White Tent

8' x 8', water resistant, for STEM events

Makedo Kits

Classroom kit for crafting with cardboard

Theme: Engineering/Building

Age Focus: Elementary+

Water Quality Testing Kit

 25 Testing Kits - PH, Nitrate, O2, Phosphate

Theme: Chemistry/Environmental Education

Age Focus: Elementary+

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Number Balance

Set of 3 

Theme: Mathematics

Age Focus: Elemenatary+

Dissection Kits & Dissection Trays

24 Dissection Kits & Trays - 7 piece tool kits

Theme: Investigations

Age Focus: Elementary+

Bee Bots

30 Bee Bots, 5 Charging Hives & Lessons

Theme: Coding/Technology

Age Focus: PreK-Elementary


30 Micro:Bits, project guide book & electronic components

Theme: Coding/Technology

Age Focus: 4th Grade+

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Molecular Kits

14 Kits & Student Guides

Theme: Chemistry

Age Focus: Grades 6+

Simple Machines

Class set

Theme: Physics

Age Focus: Upper Elementary

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Blocks & Blueprints

3 Levels with 20 Design Challenges

Theme: Geometry/Building

Age Focus: PreK-Elementary


30, fully adjustable, durable, includes carry strings

Theme: Observations/Investigations

Age Focus: PreK-12th Grade

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K'nex Maker Kit

18-36 students class set

Theme: Engineering/Building

Age Focus: Ages 8+

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Ozobot Bit

12 sets + activities

Theme: Technology/Robotics

Age Focus: Elementary+

Microscopes with Slides

10  microscopes, prepared slides & lesson plans

Theme: Biology

Age Focus: Ages 12+

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